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Inmate Visitation

Our process for visiting Cedar County Jail inmates.

Inmates may have two general visits per week on Wednesday and Sunday, as long as they are not under disciplinary sanction. This excludes privileged, service or clergy visits. Contact visits are not allowed.

The visiting period lasts 30 min per inmate, as long as the visitors arrive on time you will receive the entire time allotted. During the 30 minutes, inmates are allowed two visitors over the age of 18 years old. No one under the age of 18 years old will be allowed to visit. Anyone under 18 years old must stay in the lobby out of sight of the visitation area accompanied by an adult. If this rule is not followed it will result in the visit being terminated.

A Registration Form is to be filled out by each visitor prior to each visit. These are located on the table next to the kiosk in the lobby. Each visitor will be required to show a valid state photo ID that includes full name and date of birth. If a photo ID cannot be provided, that individual will not be allowed to visit, no exceptions. Visitors must remain in the lobby until jail staff directs them to the visiting area. It is the inmate’s responsibility to inform family and friends of when their visiting time is. If you are moved to another unit or bunk, it is your responsibility to inform potential visitors of the change in the visitation time.

Anyone who has been incarcerated in the Cedar County Jail within 30 days of the visiting day will not be allowed to visit. Once 30 days have passed since their release date, they will be allowed to visit as normal.

Personal items are not allowed in the visiting area. Visitors are encouraged to leave purses, wallets, cell phones, etc. in their vehicles or in the lockers provided in the vestibule. If a visitor has photos or paperwork they would like to show you, approval must be given by jail staff prior to the start of the visit. Visits will be terminated if any electronic device is used during visitation.

Any visitor may be refused if the Jail Administrator or the jail staff on duty believes the visitor may endanger jail security or control. A visitation in progress will be terminated immediately for any security reason. Documentation will be kept for any visit refusal.


A kiosk located in the Sheriff’s Office lobby is for visitors to deposit cash or use credit cards to deposit money on inmate accounts. Similar to an ATM, there is a transaction fee charged. Funds may also be deposited over the phone by calling 1-866-345-1884. A website is also available, when using the website, the person depositing funds will need to set up an account in order to find your account and deposit the funds. The website is www.accesscorrections.com or www.smartdeposit.com.

Quick Links/Contacts


Combined Public Communication
Inmate phones and Inmate chirping (text messaging)

Victim Notification and Status