Third-Parties Charging for Military Records

The Iowa County Recorders Association wants to make all veterans aware that recording or requesting military records is always free of charge for a veteran. In recent weeks it has been reported that a third-party company has been charging veterans to record these documents. Please review the Iowa Code chapter and information regarding submitting copies of DD214 documents below. Please remember to always contact your local County Recorder for assistance recording or requesting military records.
The County Recorder’s office has on permanent record, military discharges that have been presented for recording by the veterans themselves. Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 331.608(6), notwithstanding section 22.2, subsection 1, such record shall be confidential and shall not be made available for examination or copying except as follows:
- To the person who is the subject of the record, to a member of that person’s immediate family, or to that person’s agent or representative duly authorized in writing.
- To a person requesting to examine or copy a record when the event that resulted in the record being made occurred more than sixty-two (62) years prior to the request. However, the recorder shall redact any social security number included in a record made available pursuant to this paragraph.
- To a person who is a funeral director licensed pursuant to chapter 156 and who has custody of the body of a deceased veteran.
- When otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
- When otherwise required by a department or agency of the federal or state government or a political subdivision. The recorder shall make these records available to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. The Department of Veteran’s Affairs and its employees shall be subject to the same state and federal confidentiality restrictions and requirements that are imposed on the recorder.
Veterans are also eligible to submit legal copies of their DD214 to the County Recorder’s office in the county in which they reside. There is no fee to record the DD214. Copies of military discharge records are also free of charge. Veterans and entitled immediate family members may request in-person or complete a military discharge application. All records not recorded in your local county can be requested from the National Personnel Records Center.
For more information, please contact the Cedar County Recorder’s Office at 563-886-2230 or the Cedar County Veteran Affairs Office at 563-886-2170