Accepting 2024 Dust Control Applications
It shall be the policy of Cedar County to permit the application of dust palliative agents for the control of fugitive dust on county rock roads, all pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 318 of the Code of Iowa (Obstructions in Highways).
Persons desiring to apply dust control agents to their roads must first obtain a permit from the Cedar County Engineer's Office. Dust control application may not begin prior to May 6th unless unusual spring conditions warrant earlier applications and approval by the County Engineer. All applicators must notify the county 5 working days before applying the second treatment of dust control. Deadline dates for permits are as follows:
Permit Deadline for Residents |
Applicator’s List To Cedar County |
Apply Dust Control Start Date |
Apply Dust Control End Date |
May 2 |
May 3 |
May 11 |
May 17 |
June 6 |
June 7 |
June 15 |
June 21 |
Permit applicants who apply after the listed deadline dates may not have palliative placed until the following application date. This schedule is designed to allow secondary road crews adequate time between applications to prepare the roadbed by adding rock and blading the road to proper crown and grade if necessary. Residents having the second application of palliative should be aware that the area will be bladed if deemed necessary by the patrol operator. Dust control applicators are to notify the Engineer's Office 5 working days prior to the second TREATMENT OF DUST CONTROL.
Following application of palliative, grader operators will be instructed to avoid blading the roads until October 15th, unless potholes over 1" in depth develop. Early blading of the road should not be necessary if the residents fill any depressions in their dust control area with loose rock from the side of the road. If a dust control section should become rough, the county may do corrective blading to repair the rough areas without compensation to the resident for damage to the treated surface. If the road has deteriorated to emergency conditions in the judgment of the patrol operator, it may be bladed. After October 15, the county reserves the right to scarify any treated portions of the road and maintain them as rock roads.
Cedar County will not be liable for blading through un-permitted or unmarked dust control sites. Residents should flag their treated areas at the beginning and end of the treated road segment. Residents will be responsible for maintaining the flags marking their treated areas. Flags will be provided at the County Engineer's Office and replacements for lost or damaged flags may be picked up there.
The following materials are approved for use as dust control palliative: 1. Calcium Chloride 2. Lignun Sulfonate (Tree Sap) 3. Asphalt Cement or Asphalt Emulsion 4. Magnesium Chloride 5. Glycerine. Soybean oil also known as “Black Oil” shall not be permitted. A list of certified applicators may be obtained at the Cedar County Engineer's Office. Applicators of dust control palliative must provide material certification to the County Engineer's Office for application on county roads. WASTE OIL IS NOT PERMITTED AS A DUST CONTROL PALLIATIVE! The Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be contacted if use of waste oil is discovered. When using asphalt cement or emulsion, the road surface must be immediately blotted following application with sand or dirty chips. Prior to application of an asphalt product, the applicator shall provide and place a "fresh oil" sign (W21-2) at the intersection nearest the beginning of the treated area (both directions). These signs shall remain in place until oil is no longer being picked up by vehicle tires. Federal regulations prohibit the use of bituminous materials mixed with petroleum distillates such as gasoline, kerosene, naptha, etc. Federal regulations also prohibit the use of waste oils containing any detectable concentration of PCBs or Dioxin. These regulations assume all waste oils contain PCBs and users of waste oils are required to show otherwise by presenting certified laboratory analysis.
Application of dust control palliative shall not be made between sunset and sunrise. Applications are to be a minimum of 400' long and 20' wide.
Approved, Cedar County Board of Supervisors