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Environmental Health is responsible for inspection and permitting of all private sewage disposal systems in Cedar County.

Applications are available by clicking here or visiting the Environmental Health Office. A soil evaluation and/or percolation test, including a soil boring six feet in depth, is required in order to process your private sewage disposal system application. The test must be performed by a licensed engineer or approved septic system contractor. A permit cannot be issued until a soil evaluation or percolation test has been done. Once the Environmental Health Office receives your percolation test or soil evaluation results, an application will be started and mailed to you and/or your contractor. A permit cannot be issued until the completed application and fee are returned to our office.

Throughout the application process, it is possible that a site visit to ensure state and county standards will be met may be necessary. Prior to covering any portion of the system, an inspection must be scheduled. Inspections requests must be scheduled at least seven and one-half hours in advance.

Scheduling can be done by contacting the Environmental Health Office at 563-886-2248 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A detailed final drawing of your septic system will be completed and a copy provided for your records, as well as kept on file in our office. 

If your system will be serving a new dwelling, a private sewage disposal system permit must be issued prior to issuing the building permit

Private sewage disposal system permits will not be issued to individuals who have access to community or public sewage disposal systems. 

If you are looking at selling your home, a Time of Transfer inspection is required (exceptions to the Time of Transfer.) A septic contractor will come out to your home and inspect your septic system to ensure it is working as designed. Click here to view a list of Time of Transfer inspectors in the area. 

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