Board of Supervisors
The Cedar County Board of Supervisors consists of five at-large representatives. County Board Meetings are held Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. and last until the agenda is completed.
Board Members
Bruce Barnhart
Term Expires: 2028
Representative Appointments
Representative Appointments
Bruce Barnhart is also appointed to the following committees/boards and is a liaison for other county departments:
- Board of Health
- County Shop
- Consortium
- Crimestoppers
- Emergency Management
- E911 Service Board
- Fair Board
- Heritage Area Agency on Aging
- Heartland Insurance Risk Pool
- Lower Cedar Watershed
- MEIMHC Board
- MH Institute Adv.
- MH/DS Regions Governing Board
- River Bend Transit
Jon Bell · Chairperson
Term Expires: 2028
Representative Appointments
Representative Appointments
Jon Bell is also appointed to the following committees/boards and is a liaison for other county departments:
- Community Action of Eastern Iowa
- Courthouse
- Crimestoppers
- CCEDCO (2 votes)
- Drainage District
- Emergency Management
- E911 Service Board
- Law Enforcement Center
- Lower Cedar Watershed
- CEO/Workforce Development
- R.C. & D.
- Solid Waste Disposal
Mike Bixler
Term Expires: 2026
Representative Appointments
Representative Appointments
Mike Bixler is also appointed to the following committees/boards and is a liaison for other county departments:
- County Shop
- Consortium
- Early Childhood of Iowa - Cedar/Jones
- Highway 30 Coalition
- Law Enforcement Center
- CEO/Workforce Development
- MH/DS Regions Governing Board
- R.E.A.P. Comm.
- R.C. & D.
- River Bend Transit
- Safety
- Seventh Judicial
Brad Gaul
Term Expires: 2026
Representative Appointments
Representative Appointments
Brad Gaul is also appointed to the following committees/boards and is a liaison for other county departments:
- Board of Health
- Co. Decategorization Policy Board
- Courthouse
- Early Childhood of Iowa - Cedar/Jones
- Eastern Iowa Rural Utility Services
- ECIA Board
- Fair Board
Jeff Kaufmann · Pro Tem
Term Expires: 2028
Representative Appointments
Representative Appointments
Jeff Kaufmann is also appointed to the following committees/boards and is a liaison for other county departments:
- Co. Decategorization Policy Board
- Community Action of Eastern Iowa
- CCEDCO (2 votes)
- Drainage District
- Eastern Iowa Rural Utility Services
- ECIA Board
- Highway 30 Coalition
- Heartland Insurance Risk Pool
- MH Institute Adv.
- Pioneer Cemetery
- R.E.A.P. Comm.
- Safety
- Solid Waste Disposal
Board Meetings
County Board meeting notices and agendas are given to all media and are posted here on this website. For questions about meetings and/or to be included on the agenda, please contact the County Auditor 24 hours before the posted meeting date.
Meetings & Minutes
Board of Supervisors Responsibilities
- Administer Oaths and take affirmations
- Approve budgets of county officials
- Establish and vacate public highways
- Allow claims against the county and order same paid
- Levy taxes to raise revenue for county expenses
- Fill vacancies for elected officials except for their own board
- Constitute a drainage board for the drainage district of the county
- Canvass the votes at the primary and general election and all other elections
- Approve ordinances and amendments to ordinances
- Enter into leases and insurance agreements
- Approve bonds