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911 Coordinator

Department Alert

Due to the emergent nature of our office, we may be called out of the office unexpectedly. We recommend calling, if you are able, to ensure that we are in the office.

Cedar County EMA

1410 Cedar St
Tipton, IA 52772
Driving Directions

Mailing Address

400 Cedar St
Tipton, IA 52772

Contact Information



Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
or by appointment
Holiday Closures

911 Coordinator

Contact our 911 office to learn about 911 signs and find out more about our services.

911 in Cedar County has two separate and distinct parts:

  • Dispatch is located at the Cedar County Law Center and is responsible for receiving 911 and other calls for assistance. 911 Dispatch then routes those incoming calls to the appropriate entity for service and assistance. This department is under the supervision of the Cedar County Sheriff.
  • 911 Addressing is located at the Cedar County Emergency Management building and is responsible for assigning addresses, the mechanics behind the routing of 911 calls, and also oversees the 911 radio network that Cedar County's first responders use.

911 Addressing Information

To request a new 911 sign, please stop by the Emergency Management (EMA) office in person. The EMA office is located at 1410 Cedar Street in Tipton, and normal business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. If these times are not convenient, appointments can be made upon request.

You will need to provide information on the location of the driveway for your property; please ensure that your driveway plan has been approved by the Cedar County Engineer prior to requesting an address.

There is a $50 charge for the address assignment, and 911 sign. The $50 cost includes the specified sign, all required hardware, a heavy-duty steel post for mounting the sign, and directions on how to install your 911 sign. Checks for the sign can be made payable to 'Cedar County 911.' We do accept cash for the exact amount only. Unfortunately, we do not accept credit card payments at this time.

And, as a reminder, be sure to call Iowa OneCall (811) before you dig to install your sign! Even if you are aware of the utilities around your site, it's better to be safe and make the free call!

911 Signage Instructions

Read More: Ordinance 54 - An ordinance mandating the use of a uniform address and Road naming system

Emergency Sign Disrepair

Don't let your emergency address sign fall into disrepair. It is a vital link for emergency services to find you! So if your sign is hard to read, or missing, contact the 911 Office.

Our Team